Reflection of Hiking my NH48

 On Friday, October 30, 2020, I completed my final hike for the White Mountains 48 List!

For those of you who don't know, in the New Hampshire White Mountains, there are 48 mountains that are 4,000 feet or taller. It is a challenge/accomplishment to hike all of them. There is no timetable, just you and your abilities and ambitions!

I started on August 20, 2016, hiking Mount Lafayette on a whim and at that moment I was hooked and I had no idea where this would take me. Through the next 4 years, I hiked and hiked and eventually hiked a lot! I grew in my abilities and tackled bigger and bigger mountains, longer and longer hikes. It developed into a passion of mine and I found a home in these mountains!

Now I'm not great with words but I am with numbers so here are some.

My Stats:

  • It took me 1,549 days to hike all 48 (with some repeats)
  • Seasons (Including repeats):
    • Fall: 19
    • Winter: 2
    • Spring: 6
    • Summer: 26
  • Years (Including repeats):
    • 2016: 3
    • 2017: 2
    • 2018: 7
    • 2019: 23
    • 2020: 19
  • Completed Challenges:
  • I honestly didn't track mileage or time but wish I did...I may try and go back and estimate...we'll see!

My Hikes In order:

  1. Lafayette
  2. Osceola
  3. East Osceola
  4. Willey
  5. Tecumseh
  6. Tom
  7. Field
  8. Madison
  9. Adams
  10. Jefferson
  11. Jackson
  12. Pierce
  13. Hale
  14. Cannon
  15. Hancock
  16. South Hancock
  17. North Kinsman
  18. South Kinsman
  19. Flume
  20. Lincoln
  21. Liberty
  22. Garfield
  23. Gale Head
  24. South Twin
  25. North Twin
  26. Zealand
  27. West Bond
  28. Bond
  29. Bondcliff
  30. Isolation
  31.  Cabot
  32. Wildcat, D (Spiltboard round 2)
  33. Wildcat, A
  34. Carter Dome
  35. South Carter
  36. Middle Carter
  37. Moriah
  38. Waumbek
  39. Washington
  40. Monroe
  41. Eisenhower
  42. Whiteface
  43. Passaconaway
  44. Owl's Head
  45. Moosilauke
  46. North Tripyramid
  47. Middle Tripyrmaid
  48. Carrigan
